Core Information about this Rapeh
Tribe (and/or maker): Kuntanawa
Core Information about Capim Santo
Overall Description
This is a very potent and amazingly beautiful blend, dark gray in appearance and absolutely lovely. I'm fairly new to this one, but can't wait to work with it more.
Further Stats
All Reviews So Far
It took a while for my mind to settle, but Kuntanawa Samauma was really good. I very rarely have it these day. I feel blessed and calm.
A good meditation and relaxing, if a little subtle. I guess I'm just so happy and calm today anyway.
Such a wonderful meditation. Both rapés were profound, especially Alfavaca da Mata, which has sent me into a another world - a bright and wonderful one.
Vynya was really profound and this ceremony was a wonderful and blessed end to my week.
Such a deep meditation from two wonderful rapés. Even Capim Santo was really potent. It's a blesed day.
I'm still re-acclimatising myself to rapé about my trip away, with Capim Santo being quite harsh going in, but Iban was smoother (with the smaller amount) and brought such depth. I was left feeling such happiness, peace and positivity.
A little bit of mind-chatter, but a peaceful and deep meditation.
It's been a while since I've had Capim Santo. It was nice and calming. Iban as always was profound, and this meditation was just what I needed.
The first time for Capim Santo in a while, and it's a good blend. This Cumaru was deep. Some mild mind-chatter, but I feel totally relaxed and ready for a blessed evening.
A lovely deep meditation to start my day. I feel so relaxed and present - so positive.
Capim Santo was surprisingly very good, and very strong going in. Dieta was nice and peaceful, albeit with some mind-chatter. I feel good and positive.
Capim Santo was milder and mellower here, surprisingly. Corda Tsunu was profound, and I was in an almost dreamy state. What a blessing.
Both rapés were rough going in, especially Capim Santo, which brought on so much mucus! More than ever. Despite this lasting somewhat, Floresta had so much love and depth to it, that it was a very satisying meditation and I feel really great.
Such a beautiful ceremony to start my week. Mentolado is so minty and not harsh at all, but it's subtly potent and so loving and grounding. So calming and lovely, and bringing such gratitude and peace.
A good meditation. Peaceful and grounding me nicely.
Two really great rapés and a wonderful deep and loving meditation.
It was a calming meditation, but just so much mind-chatter from my extremely busy day. It helped me ground myself somewhat.
Despite an interruption at the start, this was a deep meditation and so loving.
Some mind-chatter, but a very pleasant and grounding meditation that's really set me straight. Capim Santo is a good rapé.
A very nice and deep meditation with some fast-moving energy. I activated all my chakras well, but for some reason I have quite an excited mind this afternoon.
Yes, a lovely meditation with good good rapés. Both were loving and very potent. I just can't wait for this heavy energy at the moment to finally lift. It will though!
It was a very subdued meditation, but full of love and peace.
It was a shame it was just a bit rushed, and my mind was a bit chattery, but Capim Santo was interesting in the right nostril. It could well be promoted!
It was a deep meditation and very loving. Some mind-chatter from my busy day, but the rapés were potent and profound.
Both rapés were potent and loving, but it was just a bit of a tricky ceremony. I feel really good though and am ready for my day.
The Puyanawa Masculine is surprisingly a little mild these days - I don't know why. For the first time (I think) I did Capim Santo in the right nostril. It had an excitable energy to it, and I'm tentatively promoting it to the right nostril, as it's a very strong blend.
I tried the second my new rapés, Cumaru Grey, which is another quite early rapé. I must say, Capim Santo is really impressing me, and I should should give it a go in the right nostril, as it was truly potent in this one. Cumaru Grey is also really good. It's as shame I was so rushed.
Capim Santo was very nice and would've been very loving if not for the amount of mucus it brought up. It could be caused by the acidity in my stomach this evening, but Mulata was nice and deep.
Mulata was a little milder than normal, but it was just a good relaxing ceremony.
Just a lovely mediation. I'm impressed with Capim Santo, although it's very rough going in. I felt such calm and gratitude throughout.
This "ceremony" was a very stark reminder never to try rapé while drunk. I've been out trying craft beers all day, and I was foolish enough to try a meditation. Lesson learnt!!
Capim Santo was a little mild, but Tarzan was very pleasant and loving. I had mind-chatter though and am still off-balance.
Mulata was particularly amazing in this ceremony, bringing a very profound peace, love and optimism. It shone a light on the whole meditation. I think Capim Santo was a little mild though, although I need to experiement more with this. It has a lovely lemongrass aroma.
Whoa, this new rapé, Capim Santo, is potent! I think it's a good right-nostril rapé. A rich blend and very beautiful. Uricuri was surprisingly mild, which is rare. Nevertheless, a very pleasant ceremony and I feel great!